detectorfirst-aid-kit fire-extinguisherintercomdoorsmart-lockwarningcctv non-smoking-areahappiness elevator towelsbed-sheetsterraceantique-balconyswimming-pool fireplace disabilityno-smokingpet telephonetabletdesktoplaptop video-playeraudiolcd-hdremote-controltelevisionvancable-tvglobewifi furnaceheaterradiatorheater-1 air-conditionertoilet-papertoiletriesbathrobeslippershair-dryerfoldable-drying-rackdryerwashing-machinebidetcleanvacuum-cleanersaunajacuzzi bathtubshowershower-1 bathtub-1 restaurant hooddining-tabledining-table-1dinner-tablekitchenkitchen-1dishwasherrefrigeratorfridgecoffee-machineelectric-kettletoastermicrowaveovencooker gas-stoveiron-boardoven-1potironclothes-rackwork-stationcloset crib bedssofa-bedbunksingle-bedbed

Basic info

5 guests 40㎡ 1 Bedroom

Booking method

Instant - You can make a reservation without prior availability check.

Check-in and check-out hours

Check-in: from 12:00h to 19:00h
Check-out: to 10:00h

Parking and facilities

This apartment does not have it's own parking space

Booking conditions

Minimum stay during workdays is 1 night
Minimum stay for the weekend is 2 nights

Sweet Home Center apartment is located in Valentina Vodnika Street, in Rotkvarija. It is located on the 5th floor of a residential building, and its area is 40 m2. This apartment is fully equipped to accommodate 5 people. If you are looking for an apartment of cheerful colors in which you will feel comfortable, then this apartment is perfect for you! The apartment is fully equipped and very nicely decorated with various shades of green. It has a lot of flowers, pictures and motivational messages on the walls. The apartment also has a gallery with a bedroom, where you will have complete peace. The bathroom is spacious and equipped with quality toilets. Guests are provided with central heating, air conditioning, clean linen and towels. The Sweeet Home Center is in a great location, just minutes from the Old Town and the pedestrian zone. And if you get hungry, there will be many restaurants nearby, such as the Sokače restaurant, known for its top specialties of Serbian national cuisine.

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Sleeping arrangements

Sofa bed Sofa bed

Living room

2 Sofa bed


Bedroom 1

1 Queen


  • Double bed
  • Bathtub
  • Single bed
  • Washing machine
  • Clothes drying rack

Show all 46 amenities

Good price!

This accommodation has a lower price than average.

Good price!


Novi Sad, Rotkvarija, Bulevar Kralja Petra I, Valentina Vodnika 10

per night