When to visit Valjevo?
- Valjevo during summer
- Valjevo during winter
How to get to Valjevo?
- Valjevo by car
From the south, excellent roads lead from Požega and Bajina Bašta (from Tara and Zlatibor, through Maljen and Povlen).
- Valjevo by bus
- Valjevo by train
Activities from tourist in Valjevo
- Tour of city center
- Tešnjar sightseeing
- Relaxation in Vidrak Park
- Exploring destinations around Valjevo
Events and festivals in Valjevo
- Tešnjarski dani
- The day of the city
- Desankini majski razgovori
- Valjevo Jazz Fest
- Assembly of Folklore Societies of Serbia Zlatni opanak
Activities for children in Valjevo
- Research center Petnica
- Parks and picnic areas
- Divcibare
What to visit in Valjevo?
- Main streets
- Museums
In Muselimov konak, the oldest preserved building in Valjevo, you can see two museum exhibits dedicated to the First and Second Serbian Uprising, as well as the basement where the famous princes Aleksa Nenadović and Ilija Birčanin were imprisoned. It is also worth visiting the Nenadović Tower, one of the symbols of Valjevo, in which a permanent museum exhibition has also been organized.
- Galleries
- Parks and picnic areas
- Monuments
Accommodation in Valjevo
- Hotels
- Hostels
- Accommodation in the countryside
Important phone numbers and information in Valjevo
In the next part of the text, we have singled out some more phone numbers that can be useful to you during your visit to Valjevo.
Institutions and services
Fire service: 193
Police: 192
Military ambulance: 1976
Valjevo Health Center: 014/295 -295
Notification Center: 1985
Exact time: 195
AMSS - Information: 1987
PU Valjevo: 014 / 294-300
Electricity distribution: 014 / 222-412
Valjevo Waterworks: 014 / 222-512
Pharmacy Center: 014 / 224-560
Valjevo City Administration: 014 / 294-900
Valjevo Health Center: 014 / 315-00-38
Post office Valjevo: 014 / 294-000
Telegrams: 196
Information: 1988
Bus station: 014 / 221-482
Railway station: 014 / 221-697
Where to eat in Valjevo?
- Restaurants
- Fast food
- Bakeries
- Pastry shops
Where to go out in Valjevo?
- Taverns
- Clubs and pubs
Transport and taxi in Valjevo
- Public transport
The price of a ticket for public transport is 50 dinars, and for people older than 70, the ride is free.
- Taxi service
The most famous taxi services in Valjevo are:
City Taxi Valjevo: 014 / 291-129
Pink Taxi Valjevo: 014 / 292-929
City Taxi Valjevo: 014 / 354-2222
Kula Taxi: 014 / 290-290
Parking service and public garages in Valjevo
- Parking zones
- The red zone is located in the narrowest part of the city and consists of 102 marked parking spaces, with vertical signs. In this zone, the duration of parking is limited to two hours, and in order for the user to be able to use the parking space in the red zone again after the specified limited parking time, he must leave the zone with the vehicle in the shortest thirty minutes.
- The blue zone extends to the public area of sidewalks and roads, to three group parking lots outside the sidewalks and road surfaces, as well as to three block parking lots within residential blocks. The blue zone consists of 1,400 marked parking spaces. There is no time limit for parking.
- Parking time and price list
Parking is charged within both toll zones from 7 am to 8 pm during working days, and from 7 am to 2 pm on Saturdays. Parking can be paid at the parking kiosk or by SMS (red zone: 9141, blue zone: 9142, blue zone - daily ticket / multi-hour ticket: 9140). A one-hour ticket costs 35 dinars in the red zone and 22 dinars in the blue zone. The price of a multi-hour ticket in the blue zone is 100 dinars.
For additional information, you can contact JKP Vidrak on 014 / 222-453, 014 / 221-556 and 014 / 222-769 or email info@vidrakvaljevo.com and office@vidrakvaljevo.com.
Surroundings of Valjevo
- Divcibare
- Brankovina
- Petnica
- Monasteries
- Gradac River
- Taor springs
History of Valjevo
- Early history
- Modern history
Geography and climate of Valjevo
- Geography
- Climate
Demography of Valjevo
- There are 49184 adults living in Valjevo, and the average age of the population is 38.7 years.
- According to the 2002 census, Valjevo is mostly inhabited by Serbs (96%), and in the last three censuses, an increase in population has been observed.
Tradition and culture of Valjevo
- It is not enough to say that the city that gave birth to so many celebrities, such as, among others, Prote Mateja Nenadović, Ilija Birčanin, Milovan Glišič, Živojin Mišić, Nikolaj Velimirović, Desanka Maksimović and Ljubo Popović, is one of the richest places in history, culture and tradition. Museum exhibits, as well as numerous monuments that pay tribute to important personalities and events, show that the people of Valjevo know how to appreciate their cultural heritage.
- In Valjevo and its surroundings, you can see the development of Serbian architecture, from traditional folk buildings in Brankovina and the canyon of the river Gradac, through the tower and lodgings from the 18th century, to the example of the oriental bazaar and modern town. In Valjevo, the memory from the old craft, which is threatened with oblivion, is also kept. Numerous cultural events and festivals, such as Tešnjarski večeri and City Days, contribute to the preservation of the culture and tradition of this area.