When to visit Zdrelo?
- During the summer
- During the winter
How to get to Zdrelo?
- By car
If you are coming from the Directions of Nis by car via E-75, it is best to turn off at Markovac, then drive through Svilanjac, Bobovo, and come to Zdrelo.
- By bus
Activities for tourists
- Enjoying the thermal pools
The pools are open daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., and on Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. The price of a ticket for daily bathing is 800 dinars on weekdays and 900 dinars on weekends.
- Wellness & Spa
- Cultural and historical contents
- Field trips
Events and festivals in Zdrelo
- Beekeepers' Assembly in Kamenovo
- Prasicijada Festival in Rasanac
- Spring flower festival
- Fair in Petrovac
Activities for children in Zdrelo
- Pools with slides
- Swimming pool for children and non-swimmers
What to see in Zdrelo?
- Terme Zdrelo
- Gornjacka gorge
- Monasteries
- Zdrelo Fortress
Accommodation in Zdrelo
- Recreational center Zdrelo
- Private accommodation
- Camping on Mlava
Important numbers and information
- Important numbers
Tourist organization of the municipality of Petrovac na Mlavi: 12 326 343
Health center (Petrovac na Mlavi): 012 327 982
City Pharmacy (Petrovac na Mlavi): 012 331 133
Bus station (Petrovac na Mlavi): 012 320 745
Post office (Petrovac na Mlavi): 012 331550
Police station: 012 331122
Where to eat in Zdrelo?
- Ethno restaurant
in which local cuisine specialties are prepared. Try lamb, bread under, or a local dish, Homolje steak. Among other drinks, brandy and wine from the cellar of the Milojevic family are served.
- Restaurant Vrata Homolja
- Restaurant Dobar hlad
Where to go out in Zdrelo?
If you want to go out, you can head to one of the surrounding larger city centers. The closest is Petrovac na Mlavi, which is located only 9 kilometers from Zdrelo.
Public transport and taxis in Zdrelo
- Public transport
- Taxi service
Parking and public garages in Zdrelo
- Parking lots
- Public garages
Surroundings of Zdrelo
- Homolje mountains
- Petrovac na Mlavi
- The archaeological site of Belovode
- Ethno village Bistrica
History of Zdrelo
- Early history
- Modern history
Geography and climate of Zdrelo
- Geography
- Climate
Demographics of Zdrelo
- 634 adults are living in the settlement of Zdrelo, and the average age of the population is 47.7 years (46.4 for men and 48.7 for women).
- There are 249 households in the settlement, and the average number of members per household is 3.01.
- This settlement is mostly inhabited by Serbs (82.67%), followed by Vlachs (10.97%) and Romanians (1.32%).
Tradition and culture of Zdrelo
- Zdrelo is surrounded by a disproportionately large number of monasteries for its size. Near it is the monastery Gornjak, which is one of the endowments of the famous Prince Lazar. There are also Vitrovnica, Blagoveshtenje, Reskovica, the Church of the Metropolitanate, and the remains of a former fortress from the medieval town of Zdrelo.
- Unlike most natural spas in the country, whose natural potentials were discovered and exploited in the time of the ancient Romans, the thermal waters and springs of Banja Zdrelo were discovered only twenty years ago. That is why this settlement is still in the early days of its progress and its glory days are yet to come.