When to visit Krusevac?
- Throughout the year
- During the summer
How to get to Krusevac?
Krusevac is 196 kilometers away from Belgrade. Distances from some other larger city cores in Serbia are as follows: 80 kilometers from Nis, 120 kilometers from Kragujevac and 290 kilometers from Novi Sad. You can travel to Krusevac by different types of transport:
- By car
In order to cross the mentioned road, it is necessary to set aside about two hours and seven minutes of driving, without breaks. The price of the toll is 530 dinars for the first category.
- By bus
For all additional information, you can always contact the Kruševac Bus Station at 037 / 421-555 or email adjugoprevozks@gmail.com.
Best tourist activities in Krusevac
- City tour
- Culture
- Relaxation in nature
- Sports
Events and festivals in Krusevac
- Sretenje Ball
- Imperial Festival - Lazar's Wine Routes
- The battle of knights in Lazar's city
- International Balloon Festival - Kruševac through the clouds
Activities for children in Krusevac
- Adventure park Jastrebac
- Pioneer Park
- Bagdala hill
- Water park Samar
What to visit in Krusevac
- Archaeological park Lazarev grad
- National Museum of Krusevac
- Simic's house
- Town house
- Park Serbia
Accommodation in Krusevac
- Hotels
- Private accommodation
- Rural households
Important phone numbers and information
Important phones numbers
Kruševac Police Station: 192, 037 / 427-459
Bus station: 037 / 421-555
Railway station: 037 / 428-888
General Hospital Kruševac: 037 / 414-000
Kruševac Health Center: 037 / 441-885
Main post office PTT Kruševac: 037 / 413-700
Gas station: 037 / 420-780
Pharmacy Kruševac: 037 / 424-460
Where to eat in Krusevac
- Restaurants
- Pizzerias
- Fast food and bakeries
- Pastry shops
Where to go out in Krusevac
- Taverns
- Cafes
Transport and taxi in Krusevac
- Public transport
- Taxi service
- Next taxi: 037 / 43-43-43, 063 / 44-33-37
- Boss taxi: 037 / 444-555, 037 / 44-55-66
- Urban taxi: 037 / 499-499, 037 / 499-599
- Mega taxi: 037 / 46-46-46
- Euro taxi: 037 / 49-49-49
- Star taxi: 037 / 444-999, 066 / 6-444-999
- Kruna taxi: 037 / 3-500-500, 065 / 3-500-500
- Moj grad moj taksi: 037 / 492-492, 066 / 492-492
- Rent a car
Parking service and public garages in Krusevac
- Open parking
- Extra zone: The price of an hour of parking is 40 dinars.
- Zone I: The price of an hour is 35 dinars.
- Zone II: The price of an hour is 25 dinars.
- Closed parking
- Public garages
Surroundings of Krusevac
- Bela Voda
- Birth house of the national hero Miloje Zakić
- Monasteries
History of Krusevac
- Middle Ages
- Modern history
Geography and climate of Krusevac
- Geography
- Climate
Average altitude is 300m. The average air temperature is 11ºC, and the relative humidity is 66-83%.
Demographics of Krusevac
- According to the latest census from 2011, the City of Krusevac had 131,368 inhabitants, while the city settlement of Krusevac had 58,745 inhabitants.
- There are 46,395 adult inhabitants in the settlement of Krusevac, and the average age of the population is 39.2 years. There are 19,342 households in the settlement, and the average number of members per household is 2.95.
- This city is mostly inhabited by Serbs (95%).
Tradition and culture of Krusevac
- The inhabitants of Krusevac are very proud of the rich cultural heritage from the Middle Ages. To this day, they are kept alive to keep the memory of the glorious days of the former Serbian capital and its founder, Prince Lazar. The story of times long past is revealed by his endowment Lazarica and the remains of his fortified city. The city also organizes numerous festivals with medieval themes, in order to introduce new generations to the life of past epochs. These are the Knight's Square in Lazar's city, the Medieval wedding in the church of Lazarica and the Knight's Children's Carnival.
- Krusevac boasts many valuable cultural institutions, such as the National Museum of Krusevac, the Art Gallery, the Treasury Gallery and the Milić od Mačve Gallery.