When to visit Novi Pazar?
- During summer
- During winter
How to get to Novi Pazar?
- By car
- By bus
Activities for tourists in Novi Pazar
- Tour of Stari Ras and Sopoćani
- Exploring Stara čaršija
- Excursions in nature
Events and festivals in Novi Pazar
- Stari grad Music Festival
- The Festival of Youth Creativity
- World Music Fest Zeman
- Pazar na dar
Activities for children in Novi Pazar
- Mount Golija
- Excursion sites
- Sports and Recreation Center
What to see in Novi Pazar?
- Stara čaršija
- Đurđevi stupovi Monastery
- Sopoćani Monastery
- Peter's Church
- Altun-Alem Mosque
- City Fortress
- Ras Museum
- Amir-agin han
Accommodation in Novi Pazar
- Hotels
- Private accommodation
Important phone numbers and information
In the next part of the text, we have singled out some other important phones that can be important to you during your visit to Novi Pazar.
Important phone numbers
City Administration: 020 / 313-644
Bus station Novi Pazar: 020 / 318-354
Cultural Center Novi Pazar: 020 / 315-878
City pharmacy: 020 / 311-939
City Hospital: 020 / 314-722
Post office: 020 / 314-244
Where to eat in Novi Pazar?
- Restaurants
- Pizzerias
- Fast food and bakeries
- Pies
Where to go out in Novi Pazar?
- Taverns
- Cafes
- Clubs and discos
Transportation and taxis in Novi Pazar
- Public transport
For all information about the timetable and prices, you can contact this company at 020 / 318-354.
- Taxi service
- Yellow cab maxi taxi: 020 333 333
- Alpha taxi: 062 424 242
- ABE taxi: 064 134 2565
- Euro radio taxi: 063 710 1600
- Cash taxi: 036 662 076
- Mega taxi: 020313 882
- Rent a car
AC Mumdžić (phone: 060 7090000, address: Borski kej 5)
Menda Rent A Car (phone: 062 687688, address: May 1 Street)
Parking and public garages in Novi Pazar
- Open parking
- Extra zone: It is located in the streets of Avnoja and 28 November. The maximum retention time in this zone is 120 minutes.
- Zone I: This regime rules for the following streets: Rifat Budžević Street, Sandžak Division, Isa beg Isaković and Ramiz Koca Street, Gradska Street and Kej Mira. The maximum retention time in this zone is 120 minutes.
- Zone II: It spreads in the streets of 1. maja, Generala Živkovića, Veljko Vlahovića, Gojko Bačanina, Stana Bačanina, Njegoševa ulica, Miodraga Komatine ulica, 8. marta, 7. jula, Dr Tirše, Mehmeda Alibašića, Višegradska and Omladinska streets. Retention time is not limited.
- Closed parking
- Health Center - It is part of the Health Center Novi Pazar and has 64 parking spaces. The working hours of the parking lot are from 7 am to 8 pm, during all days of the week.
- Vrbak - It is located in the very center of the city, right next to the town square. It contains 135 parking spaces and works all day, all days of the week.
- Pendik - It is an integral part of the sports and fair institution of the same name. It has 72 parking spaces. It works from Monday to Friday between 7 am and midnight, with a break between 4 pm and 7 pm.
- Market 1 - This is a parking lot is a part of the city market. The working hours of the parking lot are from 7 am to 11 pm, all days of the week.
- Market 2 - The second smaller parking lot within the city market has 19 parking spaces. It works from Monday to Sunday, from 7 to 23 hours.
Surroundings of Novi Pazar
- Mountains
At 12 kilometers from the city there is another gem of nature, Mount Rogozna. On it you can see the remains of the medieval town of Jelec, around which there was a parish of the same name in the 10th century.
- Spas
- Excursion sites
History of Novi Pazar
- Early history
- Modern history
Geography and climate of Novi Pazar
- Geography
- Climate
Demographics of Novi Pazar
- There are 47165 adults living in Novi Pazar, and the average age of the population is 33.2 years.
- The population of Novi Pazar is mixed with the Bosniak majority. 77% of the population are Bosniaks and 16% Serbs.
- According to the latest censuses, an increase in the number of inhabitants has been noticed.
Tradition and culture of Novi Pazar
- Novi Pazar is a place of turbulent and rich history, which is located at the crossroads. It makes it a unique multiethnic space where Eastern and Western civilizations meet.
- The whole area is specific because it represents the cradle of the Serbian state. Stari Ras, positioned on a hill near the city, used to be the capital of Stefan Nemanja. In its vicinity there are many historically significant sites related to the Nemanjić dynasty, such as Peter's Church, Đurđevi stupovi and Sopoćani monasteries. All of them have been placed under the protection of UNESCO, as monuments of exceptional value.
- Novi Pazar is also known for its excellent food and has a long tradition of making local dishes, such as mantija, kebabs and Turkish coffee.