When to visit Zrenjanin?
- Throughout the year
- During the summer
How to get to Zrenjanin?
- By car
- By bus
You can get additional information about departures and timetables by contacting the Zrenjanin Bus Station at 023 533 991 or 023 533 992. You can also contact them by e-mail, sending a message to info@netbus.rs.
Best tourist activities in Zrenjanin
- Tour of the old town
- Churches
- Swimming in Pescara
- Recreation in nature
Events and festivals in Zrenjanin
- Beer fest
- Korzo fest Zrenjanin
- Banat fairy tale in Zrenjanin
- Ethno-festival
- Begej fest
Activities for children in Zrenjanin
- Picnic area on Tisa
- Ada Šumice
- Pescara beach
What to visit in Zrenjanin?
- Main Street
- Town house
- Palace of Justice
- Castle Ecka
- Squares
- National Museum Zrenjanin
- Museum of beer
Accommodation in Zrenjanin
- Hotels
- Private accommodation
- Accommodation in the countryside
Important phone numbers and information
In the next part of the text, we have singled out some more important phones that you may need during your stay in Zrenjanin.
Important phone numbers
City administration: 023 / 315-0111
Zrenjanin Police Department: 023 / 564-112
Fire service: 193
Ambulance: 194
Doctor: 023 / 562-066
Basic Court Zrenjanin: 023 / 564-737
Court Administration: 023 / 564-970
Misdemeanor court Zrenjanin: 023 / 525-253
Auto-moto society Petar Drapšin: 023 / 546-610
Where to eat in Zrenjanin?
- Restaurants
- Pizzerias
- Pastry shops
Where to go out in Zrenjanin?
- Clubs
- Taverns
- Cafes, bars and pubs
Transport and taxi in Zrenjanin
- Public transport
There are currently 8 city lines. In addition, Zrenjanin connects 18 suburban lines with the surrounding settlements. The price of one ride is 70 dinars.
More information about the lines and timetable can be found on the website (banattrans.rs) or contact the info center of the Bus Station Zrenjanin at 023 / 541-000 or 023 / 566-788.
- Taxi service
- Autobanat taxi: 023 / 51-44-44
- Laki taxi: 023 / 510-462; 063 / 779-3667
- Radio taxi & co: 023 / 566-566; 065 / 566-1-566
- Radio taxi plus: 023 / 515-515; 065 / 515-6-515
- Radio taxi Zrenjanin: 023 / 66-999
- Eko taxi: 023 / 532-800; 062 / 401-101
- Super taxi 023 / 526-222; 023 / 44-378; 064 / 294-7435
- Maxi taxi: 023 / 512-510; 064 / 556-0-999
- Rent a car
Parking service and public garages in Zrenjanin
- Open parking
- Red zone: The price of an hour costs 50 dinars. If you pay via SMS, the number for one hour is 8230, and for the whole day 8235.
- Yellow zone: The price of an hour costs 40 dinars. If you pay via SMS, the number for one hour is 8231, and for the whole day 8236.
- Green zone: The price of an hour costs 30 dinars. If you pay for the ticket via SMS, the number for one hour is 8232, and for the whole day 8237.
- Closed parking
- Parking Žitni trg: Koče kolarova bb
- Parking at Kulturni centar: Obala pionira bb
- Parking Tirsova: Miroslava Tirše bb
Surroundings of Zrenjanin
- Carska bara
- Banja Rusanda
- Ecka
- Ethno Banat
History of Zrenjanin
- Early history
- Modern history
Geography and climate of Zrenjanin
- Geography
- Climate
Demographics of Zrenjanin
- According to the 2011 census report, there were 76,511 inhabitants.
- The average age of the population is 39.9 years.
- The largest part of the population consists of Serbs (71.42%), followed by Hungarians (13.07%), Roma (2.75) and Romanians (0.83%).
Tradition and culture of Zrenjanin
- Throughout the centuries of existence, Zrenjanin has always been a multiethnic environment, which has led to a specific mixing of cultures in this area. As a witness to this phenomenon, you can see a dozen religious buildings of different peoples and religions in the city.
- Zrenjanin is also known for its exceptional architecture. Walking through the city center, you will see numerous architectural treasures of different styles, from Art Nouveau to Neo-Baroque.
- There are many cultural and historical monuments and famous institutions in the city and its surroundings, such as the National Museum, the National Theater "Toša Jovanović", the historical archive, the City National Library "Žarko Zrenjanin", the Art Colony Ečka with a gallery and numerous schools.