Basic info
Booking method
Instant - You can make a reservation without prior availability check.
Check-in and check-out hours
from 14:00h to 22:00h
Check-out: to 11:00h
Parking and facilities
Free private parking off premises
Booking conditions
Minimum stay during workdays is 2 nights
Apartment Fashion N31 is located on Kopaonik, within Weekend Village. According to the structure, it is a studio apartment that can accommodate a maximum of 4 people. It is located on the second floor of the Milmari Resort facility. It is fully equipped for self-catering. Within the apartment, you can use a fully equipped kitchen, and within it, you have devices such as an induction hob, microwave, and refrigerator at your disposal. The perfect view from the apartment will complete the mountain idyll. For additional relaxation and entertainment, you can use a fast internet connection and watch your favorite shows on cable television. The bathroom is equipped with brand-new sanitary ware; you can use all the necessary cosmetic products and cleaning agents. Comfort and peaceful dreams will be provided by a comfortable double bed equipped with quality bedding and clean towels. Within the apartment, you can also use the swimming pool and other Spa facilities, on which you have a 30% discount. A free parking space is provided to all guests of the apartment. Apartment Fashion N31 is located close to all the mountain's main activities, and the ski slope is about 4 km away. The city park is about 12 km away, and several hiking trails are nearby.
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Show all 25 amenities
Additional bed linen
Shower cabin
Hair dryer
Toilet paper
Cleaning supplies
Double bed
Sofa bed
Coat rack
Induction plate
Dining room
Dining table and chairs
Exhaust hood
Dishes and cutlery
Cable channels
Norwegian radiators
Smoke detector
The accommodation unit is under review
Available for instant reservation
Lowest price!
This is one of the most affordable accommodations.
Kopaonik, Mountain, Weekend settlement, Kopaonik
€{{ calculator.avgPerNight }} €35.05 per night