Basic info
Booking method
Instant - You can make a reservation without prior availability check.
Check-in and check-out hours
Check-out: to 00:00h
Parking and facilities
This apartment does not have it's own parking space
Booking conditions
Minimum stay during workdays is 3 nights
Detaljnim opisom pokažite gostima da je vaš smeštaj pravi izbor. Ne poreporučujemo da koristite duge nazive smeštaja, koji sadrže ime grada u kojem se smeštaj nalazi.Detaljnim opisom pokažite gostima da je vaš smeštaj pravi izbor. Ne poreporučujemo da koristite duge nazive smeštaja, koji sadrže ime grada u kojem se smeštaj nalazi.
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Show all 1 amenities
Jacuzzi bath
€0 per night
The accommodation unit is under review
Available for instant reservation
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Barcelona, Barcelona
€{{ calculator.avgPerNight }} €116.82 per night