Basic info
Booking method
Instant - You can make a reservation without prior availability check.
Check-in and check-out hours
from 14:00h to 24:00h
Check-out: to 12:00h
Parking and facilities
Free public parking on premises
Booking conditions
Minimum stay during workdays is 1 night
The Play Spa Apartment has an area of 107m2. It is located in the central part of the YU Business Center, on the second floor of a building with an elevator on Mihailo Pupin Boulevard, in New Belgrade. It is designed for a comfortable stay for up to 4 people. It features a large jacuzzi tub, a steam bath, and a sauna. The apartment also has a bathroom with 2 shower cabins, as well as a small toilet. In the bedroom, you have a spacious queen-size bed with mirrors on the headboard and ceiling. The apartment also has an additional bedroom if the stay is planned for more than two people. The ambiance is enhanced by a mini stereo system and a smart TV with cable television. Nearby the apartment, you can find the Merkator shopping center, the Ušće shopping center, as well as the Belgrade Arena.
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Show all 26 amenities
Jacuzzi bath
Smoking allowed
Additional bed linen
Accommodation by the hour
Shower cabin
Turkish bath
Hair dryer
Toilet paper
Double bed
Induction plate
Dishes and cutlery
Cable channels
Flat screen TV
Air condition
Central heating system
Smoke detector
Video surveillance
4.56 (4)
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Available for instant reservation
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Free parking!
This is one of the few apartments that offer free parking.
4.56 (4 reviews)
Biljana Gvozdic
Sep 2019
Немам никакав лош коментар за овај апартман. Све је било сјајно.
Goran Jankovic
Feb 2020
Jako lep spa-apartman i jako ljubazni i ekspeditivni ugostitelji. Jacuzzi je savrsen kako i obe saune. Cisto lepo. Jedinu primedbu koju bi eventualno mogao da iznesem je da bi mozda ventilacija mogla biti efikasnija s obzirom na toplotu u apartmanu koju stvaraju saune i jakuzzi. Mozda i mali minus sto nema nigde prozora pa stvara osecaj podzemnog apartmana a ne da je na vrhu zgrade sa potencialom lepog prizora. Ipak moze i taj osecaj bez prozora biti pozitivan jer pridaje osecaj umirujuce privatnosti i da nema uvidjaja.
Vladimir Pantic
Feb 2020
Milan Stefanovic
Aug 2020
Sve ok, jakuzzi odličan i prostran, sauna malo manja (ne može da se legne), ali ok sasvim. Parno kupatilo imalo problem sa parom - nema dovoljno pare, ostaje u gornjem delu kupatila - šteta zato sto je lepo i prostrano. Bilo bi dobro ako bi se uključila mogućnost korišćenja ugrađenog ozvučenja u apartmanu i kad je samo poseta za dvoje, i kada bi se omogućilo da gosti, preko Bluetooth-a ili WiFi-a puštaju sami muziku koja im odgovara.
Belgrade, New Belgrade, YUBC, Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10D
€{{ calculator.avgPerNight }} €250.13 per night
4.56 (4)