Isabeg's hammam - the most important information

Welcome to Novi Pazar, a town on the river Raška, which exudes an oriental spirit, visible, above all, in its buildings. In the following text, you will get to know one such building - Isabeg's hammam, also known as the Novi Pazar old hammam. It is a public bathroom, located in the immediate vicinity of the Old Bazaar. The construction of this hammam is connected to Isa-beg Isaković, the third fugitive of the former Ottoman province of Bosnia and the main founder of Sarajevo and Novi Pazar. The old hamam of Novi Pazar was built in the second half of the 15th century.

Appearance and characteristics of Isabeg's hammam
This 15th-century building is an example of a double city hammam. Thus, the building housed exactly the same male and female rooms, separated by the longitudinal symmetry of the base and partitioned off by a stone wall. Isabeg's hammam is adorned with 11 domes of various sizes, with hexagonal openings. Each room of this building is covered with a dome. The north side of the hammam was characterized by a spacious fountain, which was a kind of waiting room and locker room. On the south side was the treasury, a room in which water was heated. In addition, Isabeg's hammam had 3 bathing rooms with marble fountains, as well as one room, in which visitors rested after bathing.

How to get to Isabeg's hammam?
  • If you start from Belgrade by car, you will travel to Isabeg's hammam for 3 and a half hours (by highway A2 and Route 22).
  • From the center of Novi Pazar you can reach this hammam on foot. The distance is very small, so you will need about 5 minutes of walking to reach the desired location (across Stevan Nemanja Street).
Additional information
Isabeg's hamam in Novi Pazar is one of the oldest monuments of Ottoman culture in this city, as well as in the whole of Serbia. If you are ever near it, visit it and feel the spirit of some past times, which this building has persistently preserved for centuries!
