Djurdjevi Stupovi - the most important information

The Đurđevi stupovi monastery is dedicated to Saint George, and it was built by the great prefect Stefan Nemanja in 1171. His founder's inscription from 1170/1171. is one of the few dated monuments from that time and an important testimony to the beginnings of Serbian literacy. The Đurđevi stupovi monastery stands out for its specific position - it is located at the very top of a prominent hill, as well as for its authentic architecture - 2 tower towers / pillars, after which both the church and the monastery got their name.

History of the Djurdjevi stupovi monastery
The construction of the Đurđevi stupovi monastery was completed in 1171, while the church was painted around 1175. When the idea of ​​its origin was born, we learn from the manuscript of Stefan the First-Crowned, the eldest prefect's son and his biographer. Namely, Stefan Nemanja was imprisoned in a cave and in those moments he vowed to build a monastery dedicated to St. George. So it was. Đurđe's pillars were built on the crown estates of the Nemanjić dynasty. King Dragutin is mentioned as the second founder of the monastery. He added to the monastery church and painted its narthex. At the end of the 17th century, the monastery was deserted and then the last 16 monks fled from the Turks. During the next 2 centuries, this place was a ruin, which was further destroyed by wars. The reconstruction of Đurđe's pillars will begin in the second half of the 20th century.

Characteristics of Djurdjevi stupovi
Đurđevi stupovi represent a building with numerous architectural and architectural innovations during that time. These include: characteristic towers - pillars, side vestibules, elliptical dome, irregular shape of the altar space, as well as a specific solution of the central dome space of the church. The pillars represent a synthesis of Byzantine and Romanesque architecture. Very few traces of the original frescoes remain in the church. The key moment for the renovation of the monastery was the construction of the lodgings in 2002. This made it possible for St. George's pillars to be renewed in the liturgical sense as well, and for monks to be found in it again after more than 3 centuries.

How to get to Djurdjevi stupovi?
  • From Belgrade to Đurđevi stupovi you will need about 3 hours and 45 minutes by car (highway A2 and via Route 22).
  • This monastery is 5 km away from the center of Novi Pazar, so we advise you to reach it by taxi (you will arrive in ten minutes via Kolubarska Street). You can call one of the following carriers: Euro radio taxi 063 710 1600, Cash taxi 036 662 076 or Mega taxi 020313 882.
Additional information
Đurđevi stupovi Monastery is one of the oldest Serbian monasteries and you should visit it, if you are ever nearby. The renovation of this monastery continues to this day. If you have additional questions, you can call the phone number below and find out everything you are interested in: 020 353 502.
