Emperor's Bridge - The most important information

The Emperor's Bridge is one of the most important and beautiful stone bridges in the whole of Southeast Europe. The bridge is 269 m long, and in the middle it is up to 13 m high. It was built of hewn stone, and the construction took several years due to the complexity of the building itself. The Emperor's Bridge has contributed to the prosperity and development of the environment and the city of Niksic itself over the years, because it has improved trade ties with the south of Montenegro. The first vehicles to ever cross the bridge were mail carriages.

History of the Emperor's Bridge
In 1894, Duke Bozo Petrovic laid the foundation stone of the bridge. A large area had to be bridged with this bridge, so the construction required a lot of time and work, because at the end of the 19th century it was considered one of the largest buildings. In 1910, when Montenegro officially became a kingdom, the famous photographer Rudolf Mosinger came at the invitation of Prince Nikola to make an album in which he included a photograph of the Emperor's Bridge. It got its name thanks to Prince Nikola, who suggested that it be called Emperor's, after the Russian EmperorAlexander III, who significantly contributed to the financing.

How to get to the Emperor's Bridge?
It is possible to reach the Emperor's Bridge:
  • By car - If you are visiting Niksic, our warm recommendation is to stop by the Emperor's Bridge. It takes 12 minutes of easy driving from the Sports Center in Niksic. Take Njegoseva Street and at the third crossroads turn left into Ulica 5. proleterske brigade. Then turn left into Vuka Karadzica Street, then first right. Take Voja Deretica Street and join Trebjeska Street and take the third exit at the roundabout. This street leads you to the Emperor's Bridge.
  • Taxi service - There are many taxi carriers in Niksic, and the best of them are: AS Taxi (+382 67 336 919), Lucky Taxi (+382 69 072 888), Lux Taxi (+382 69 670 660), M Taxi (+ 382 69 703 701).
