Manastir Beška

Donji Murići, Bar

Most important information - Beska Monastery 

The monastery is located on the island of the same name, Beska, in Lake Skadar. The monastery belongs to the Serbian Orthodox Church from the 14th century and belongs to the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral.

History of the Beska monastery
The monastery church, the endowment of Djuradj II Stracimirovic-Balsic, is dedicated to Saint Djordje and the temple dedicated to the Annunciation is the endowment of his wife, Jelena Balsic, daughter of Prince Lazar.

The importance of the Beska monastery
  • For the monastery, the clergyman Nikon of Jerusalem wrote a book of spiritual guidance, known as the Goricki zbornik. At the beginning of the century, the church of the Virgin was restored by King Nikola for the health of his wife Milena and dedicated to the Shroud of the Blessed Virgin, since the Gorica collection was not yet known. Her grave is located in the temple of the Virgin.
  • Its founders, Djuradj II and Jelena Balsic are also buried in the church. Jelena Balsic was canonized in 2006 by the decision of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral.
What to see in the surroundings of the Beska monastery?
In the vicinity of Beska there are also the following sacral shrines:
  • Starceva Gorica - monastery dedicated to the Mother of God
  • Moracnik Monastery
How to get to the Beska monastery?
  • By car: If you are located in the center of Bar, it will take you an hour and 17 minutes by car to reach the Beska monastery, at a distance of 45 km. First you will pass Sutomore, and then you will reach Virpazar. Follow the E65/E80 roads. From Virpazar follow the road P16. The monastery is 22 km from this settlement of Bar, and it will take you an average of 52 minutes to reach Donji Murici.
Additional information
Given the fact that frequent visitors to the monastery are tourists on vacation, it is recommended to use an adequate, decent wardrobe for visiting the monastery.
