Katedrala Svetog Duje

Kraj Svetog Duje 3, Split

Saint Domnius Cathedral - Most important information

The Cathedral of St. Duja is popularly known as the Split Cathedral, built during Emperor Diocletian's reign. The cathedral is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and is located within Diocletian's Palace in Split. At the same time, the Cathedral of St. Duja is the oldest in the whole world. In the past, the Cathedral of Saint Duja was Diocletian's mausoleum, and in the 7th century, it became a cathedral.

History of the Cathedral of St. Duja
The Cathedral of Saint Duja was built in the 4th century, and initially it was the mausoleum of Emperor Diocletian. After some time, Diocletian's mausoleum was turned into a Christian temple, and the coffin in which the ruler rested and all other pagan motifs were removed. The holy martyrs Duja and Anastasia relics were transferred from the ruined basilicas in Salona. The Split church was finally renovated in the 7th century, and it is believed to have been done by Ivan Ravenjanin, the first Archbishop of Split.

Characteristics of the Cathedral of St. Duja

Since the Cathedral of St. Duje is the oldest cathedral in the world, it represents one of the most important cultural heritages of Split and the whole of Europe. Its symbol is a wooden door made in the 13th century and shows 28 scenes from the life of Jesus carved in walnut. Many parts and materials inside the cathedral have ancient origins, which testify to the strong influence of antiquity and culture from the East. The cathedral looks round in shape, and statues of various gods and emperors were once placed inside it. Also, the bell tower, unique on the entire Adriatic coast, gives this cathedral a unique charm.

How to get to the Cathedral of Saint Duja?

The Cathedral of St. Duje is located in a slightly busier part of Split, about 1 km from the center. Therefore, it is possible to reach it on foot and by public transport.
  • On foot: It will take about 10 minutes of easy walking from the city center to the Cathedral of St. Duje. You must follow Kamenita Street and then pass through Obala Street of the Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda.
  • By bus: No bus stop is directly next to the Cathedral, and the nearest bus stop is called Sveti Frane. It is possible to reach it by transport lines 12 or 21, and you will have to walk another 500 meters through the street Obala Hrvatskog narodnog preporoda.
