Split waterfront - Most important information

The Split waterfront is one of the most popular places in the whole of Split, and it is located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Today, it is the most critical and urban part of Split, which tourists are happy to visit. Today, Split's waterfront is a fantastic promenade by the sea, and it is full of numerous restaurants and cafes. Therefore, the waterfront is ideal for the first-morning coffee, with the sun's rays breaking on the sea waves, or for an evening out, when everything is bustling with satisfied tourists.

History of the Split waterfront
The shape it has today, the Split waterfront, gradually began to take two centuries ago. Namely, the reign of the French and Napoleon caused Split to acquire the appearance of an attractive, maritime, and commercial city. The waterfront of Split changed its appearance several times during its history, depending on the ruler and the culture of the time. However, today the Split waterfront is an indispensable place for every tourist, as well as for the people of Split who want to spend their free time enjoying the beauty of the Adriatic coast.

The importance of the Split waterfront
Today, the Split waterfront offers a unique view of the decadent surroundings of Split. You can immediately see the famous Diocletian's Palace, the Church of St. Francis, and other cultural and social landmarks. In addition to the famous promenade, many cultural and entertainment events are held on the Split waterfront today, and it is often the host of various political forums. Because of this, Split's waterfront is today the central place in the entire city, and its beauty attracts all those who love to have a good time and enjoy themselves by the sea.

How to get to the Split Riva?

Split's waterfront is located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, not far from Diocletian's Palace. It is located in a highly accessible location, and it can be reached on foot, by public transport, or by car.
  • On foot: It is possible to reach the waterfront by easy walking, moving from the direction of the center of Split. It is necessary to follow Marina Držića Street, and the walk will take about 10 minutes.
  • By bus: The nearest bus station is located only 350 meters from the waterfront called Hnk Riva. It is possible to get there by bus line 6, which you must wait for at Općina 2 station.
