Smederevska tvrđava

Omladinska 1, Smederevo

Smederevo Fortress - The most important information 

Smederevo Fortress is the first thing we all think of when someone mentions the city of Smederevo. Find out more about this magnificent building here and if you haven't had a chance to visit it before, pack up and head to Smederevo!

History of the fortress
The Smederevo fortress was built in the period from 1428 to 1439, thanks to the despot Đurđe Branković. There are many stories about its construction, which are still known to the inhabitants of this city. One of them talks about the dream of despot Djurdj, in which he was told that the new city must be located on the river, and after this dream he ordered the construction of a fortress at the confluence of the river Jezava and the Danube. The fortress was built with incredible speed and the hard work of the then population, which blamed the wife of the despot Djuradj for that, calling her the Cursed Jerina.

Features and appearance of the fortress
Smederevo Fortress was the military, economic, cultural and ecclesiastical seat of the Serbian despotate. This building has the shape of an irregular triangle and consists of 2 parts - the Big City and the Small Town. It was located in the Small Town: the residence of Despot Djuradj, a building for the family, escort and guard, a library and a mint. The big city was later built, and there were military camps in it and the local population lived there. When Smederevo fell into Turkish hands in 1459, then the Serbian medieval state ceased to exist.
Today, numerous manifestations are held in the Smederevo Fortress, such as the summer manifestation Fortress Theater or the Smederevo Autumn in September, when this city is full of people, smiles and positive energy.

How to get to the fortress?
Smederevo is located in the northeastern part of Sumadija, only 46 km away from Belgrade. Near the city there is a highway E-75 Belgrade - Nis, as well as the main road from Kovin, and you can easily reach Smederevo by car or bus. If you come by bus from Belgrade, you will have 2 carriers at your disposal: Lasta and Jugoprevoz. When you arrive in this city, you will easily find the Smederevo Fortress, since it is located across from the bus and train station. In just 2-3 minutes of easy walking, you will find yourself within the framework of this beautiful building, wondering why you have not visited it before.

Additional information
Smederevo Fortress receives its visitors every day and entry to the fortress is completely free. If you want to visit the Small Town, then you will have to pay the entrance fee (the prices are very affordable, while the entrance fee for children under 7 is not charged).


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Smederevo · City · Center
1 Bedroom · 4 Guests
€44.39 night

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