Galerija savremene umetnosti

Trg republike 5, Smederevo

Gallery of Contemporary Art - The most important information

Are you planning to visit Smederevo soon? If the answer is yes, stay on our page for a while and see which places you should not miss. On this occasion, we have selected for you the Gallery of Contemporary Art, which is located on the Smederevo town square and which will surely delight you!

Gallery history
The Gallery of Contemporary Art was founded in this city in 1999 and since then it has been promoting the highest artistic and cultural values. For more than 20 years, famous artists and their works have been changing in it, which will not leave you indifferent.

Appearance and characteristics
The Gallery of Contemporary Art is located in the center of Smederevo and is available to all people who want to learn something or just enjoy the beauty of works of art. The annual program of the gallery is designed in accordance with the set exhibition concept, so that at this place are organized:
  1. fine arts
  2. historical-documentary and
  3. study-thematic exhibitions.
Nevertheless, it can be said that contemporary art prevails in her exhibition material. The Gallery of Contemporary Art is a dynamic cultural institution. In it, you can get acquainted with the work of important authors of today's Serbian art scene, as well as authors from other countries.

How to get to the gallery?
Since it is located on the popular Smederevo square, the Gallery of Contemporary Art is very easy to find. It is located across from the famous fountain, which got its new, more modern look this year. Here's how to get there:
  • The easiest way to get to Smederevo is by car or bus (Lasta and Jugoprevoz carriers will be at your disposal).
  • If you come by bus, you will be able to reach the Gallery of Contemporary Art from the main bus station in just 3 minutes of easy walking (via Starina Novaka and Despota Grgura streets).

Additional information
The Gallery of Contemporary Art is not only open on Mondays, so you can visit it on all other days. From Tuesday to Saturday, the dates are as follows: 10:00 - 13:30 and 17:00 - 20:00, while on Sundays the time for visits is different: 10:00 - 16:00.


Type of Attractions
  • Brige
  • Museum


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