Crkva Svete Petke ili Krstasta džamija

9 Jugovića, Vranje

Church of St. Petka - Symbol of Ottoman conquests

This church, known by two names, as the Church of St. Petka and as the Cross Mosque, keeps in its foundations the memory of the history of the Serbian-Turkish conflicts.

History of the church and its name
The Church of the Venerable Martyr Paraskeva is an Orthodox church, built in the 13th century. After the Ottoman conquests, the church was expanded and turned into a mosque. According to the legend, there were obstacles in adding the minarets, because everything that was built the day before would collapse during the night. Because of that, the Turks decided to keep one cross from the church, after which the demolition was not repeated. That is why it was given another name - the Cross Mosque. The mosque was demolished in 1878, after Vranje was liberated from Turkish rule. A church was built on that place, which we know today as the church of St. Petka, which is among the smallest in Serbia. The foundations of the old church have been preserved and today they are under the protection of the state.

The significance of the church today
Even today, it is believed that the relics of an unknown saint, who still blesses the place, were located in the original church. It is also believed that because of that, the church has healing powers, so there are pilgrims who come for blessing and healing. According to the belief, the fountain in the gate also has healing properties, so washing with water from it helps with eyesight and other physical ailments.

Where is the church and how to get there

The church is located in Vranje, in Ulica 9 Jugovica, not far from the White Bridge, on the left side of the Vranje River.
  • It is less than 2 km from the city center. It will take you 15 minutes on foot to reach it, through Patirzanska, Matija Gupca Street, across Trg 7. Septembra and Oton Zupancic Street.
  • You can get there by car from the center of Vranje in five minutes, along the streets of Narodnog Heroja and Kralja Milana.
  • You can also call a taxi from one of the local taxi associations.
Halo taxi 063 / 7-400-400; OK Taxi 061 / 4201-111; My Taxi 017 7101101

Additional information
To enter the church, it is necessary to be properly dressed, with covered shoulders and without short clothes.


Type of Attractions
  • Brige
  • Museum


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