Jezero Palić

Palić, Subotica

Lake Palic - the most important information 

The largest natural lake in Serbia is only 8 kilometers away from Subotica. It is part of the Palic Nature Park. With its landscaped beaches, hot and salty water, numerous activities and unique nature, it is one of the most developed tourist locations in Serbia. The surroundings of the lake are occupied by a large number of quality restaurants where you can relax and enjoy Vojvodina's specialties, and you also have the opportunity to turn a trip from Subotica into a multi-day stay.

Origin of the Lake Palic
The people transmit numerous legends which explain the existence of Palic. There are mentions of a shepherd who shed so many tears for his lost flock that he created a lake, while some think it is a remnant of the Pannonian Sea. However, the lake was mostly formed by precipitation that filled the valley. The water that flowed towards the valley dissolved the sodium chloride present in it, so the water in the lake is salty. It covers an area of ​​5.5 kilometers, with an average depth of just under 2 meters, of which 3.8 kilometers are tourist-adapted. The average temperature of the lake is 18 to 25 degrees and the climate in this part of Vojvodina is pleasant throughout the year. Lake water and sludge have healing properties due to which doctors from Subotica initiated the opening of the inn Donja trscara, after which a swimming pool and spa were built. In Palic, skin and bone diseases were treated, various sports games were held and the largest lake beach of the former Yugoslavia was built. After the end of the Second World War, people of Subotica are actively working on the development of the tourist potential in Palic, which is becoming more and more popular from season to season.

The most beautiful places near the Lake Palic
The shore of Lake Palic is arranged along its entire length, which is about 17 kilometers. In its narrow surroundings there are numerous farms, well-maintained parks, cafes and restaurants with beautiful views, quality wineries and religious buildings. During your stay in Palic, your visit list should also include:
  • Water tower
  • Large park with summer stage
  • Music pavilion
  • Women's beach
  • Lake Ludasko
  • Natural monument of Pedunculate oak trees
  • Pacir banja: The lake that adorns this place is known for its pink color.
  • Palic Zoo: With more than 65 species that mostly roam freely, it is a real experience for animal lovers and ticket prices range from 100 to 300 dinars.
Activities on the Lake Palic
This space in Vojvodina is ideal for an active vacation because it offers a number of sports facilities on the grounds of sports centers, as well as paths for cyclists and a training ground for riding. You can go on one of the walking tours or photo safaris. Palic is also known for the bird islands where 101 species nest, and there are 207 of them in total. In addition to birds, Palic is rich in species of mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish. Recreational and sport fishing is active, which takes place according to the prescribed rules. This area also boasts a diverse flora consisting of marsh cypresses, marsh reeds, lentils, marsh kajun and many other protected and endangered species. In the divine ambience of Palic, the highly visited European Film Festival takes place, where excellent artists had many premiers.

How to get to the Lake Palic?
From the direction of Subotica, it is easiest to reach the lake with your own vehicle. This ride will not take you more than 20 minutes and it is very easy to follow a well-marked road, as well as find a good parking space. State road 11 leads to the lake, which you can reach through the streets Beogradski put or Bajnatska, and you must pass through city quarters Bajnat and Prozivka and next to the Sencani cemetery. 
