Narodni muzej Užice

Dimitrija Tucovića 18, Uzice

National Museum Uzice - the most important information

The National Museum of Uzice is housed in two buildings that were built before the Second World War for the National Bank. The museum is responsible for the territory of eight municipalities of the Zlatibor district, and within it there are also the Jokanovic house, the memorial house on Kadinjaca, the presentation of the hydroelectric power plant "Underneath the Town" and the Homeland Department of the Museum in Nova Varos.

History of the National Museum Uzice
The National Museum was founded on April 29, 1963, with the Museum of the 1941 Uprising, which was formed in 1946, and the Homeland Museum. The Kadinjaca Memorial Complex became part of the National Museum in 1979, and in the period from 1991 to 2002, it also functioned independently. In 2009, the presentation of the hydroelectric power plant "Underneath the Town" became part of the museum.

Exhibitions of the National Museum Uzice
Within the Museum there are about 70 thousand museum units, and in two buildings there are the following permanent exhibitions:
  • "Uzice, origin and development"
  • "Uzice Republic 1941"
  • "Legacy of the painter Mihailo Milovanovic" and
  • "History of Dedicated Production in Uzice from 1928 to the Present".
You can also see the permanent exhibition "Partisan Factory of Weapons and Ammunition 1941" in the underground tunnels, and occasionally you can see thematic exhibitions.
Within the Jokanovic house, you can see the permanent exhibition "Town House from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century", and in the Kadinjaca Memorial Complex you can see "Workers' Battalion in the Battle of Kadinjaca" and "Uzice Region in NATO Aggression".

Working hours and contact info 
The working hours of the Museum are on weekdays from 7:30 to 15:00. There is a possibility of visits outside working hours and on weekends. This can be arranged with prior notice on 031/521360.  

How to get to the National Museum Uzice?
The National Museum of Uzice is located near the Square of Saint Sava and the market in Uzice. You can reach it:
  • By bus lines: 1K, 2, 2A, 3, 4, 7. The name of the station is Pijac 1.
  • By taxi: we recommend Bravo Taxi 031/554422 and Leptir Taxi 031/500500.
