Burj Khalifa - the most important information

Welcome to Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the whole world! This huge skyscraper is located in Dubai, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Even though the building was named after the president of the country, Sheikh Khalīfah ibn Zāyid Āl Nahyān, it is also known as Burj Dubai. 

About Burj Khalifa
Burj Khalifa was opened in 2010, even though the construction started in 2004. The main idea behind building such a structure is to place Dubai on top of the list of world tourist attractions. Burj Khalifa is 828 meters tall, and if you think that the second-tallest building, Shangai Tower, is 632 tall, this makes its appearance even more impressive. It was made to be home to many stores, restaurants, offices, and much more. Of course, it is possible to climb Burj Khalifa, since it has two decks. The first one, named At the top, spreads on two floors, 124th and 125th. The other one, At the Top Sky, is on the 148th out of 163 floors, and it’s the highest observation deck, at 555 meters in height.

What to see in Burj Khalifa? 
It’s not just the fascinating view you can enjoy when visiting Burj Khalifa. On the floors of At the Top deck, you can visit numerous places to treat yourself.
  • Falcon's Eye View - Besides having the regular view at the deck, you can see the city through the eyes of a falcon, trying out this interactive display of Dubai, placed on the floor.
  • The Burj Club - This is the club inside Burj Khalifa and offers many things to do and see. For example, you can enjoy spay, gym, pool, or maybe thy shisha.
  • Restaurants - There are many world-class restaurants in the building that offer different kinds of food. We recommend you go to Amal, which serves Indian food, or At.Mosphere with exclusive fine dining.
  • Candylicious - If you have kids, they will love this place! Here you can try many different kinds of candy. It’s a real treat!
Tickets and opening hours of Burj Khalifa
  • Opening hours - every day from 9 am to 11 pm.
  • Ticket prices - This is dependent on the time of your visit. There is Prime Time, during sunrise and sunset, and Non-prime Time, which is on other hours.  For access to the Top deck you will have to pay AED 149 on-prime hours and AED 224 during the prime hours. And if you want to get the view from the Top Sky deck, the ticket price on-prime hours will be AED 378, and on prime hours AED 533.
How to get to Burj Khalifa?
  • By metro - By metro - If you're taking the Dubai Metro, go to Burj Khalifa station on the Red Line. The Dubai Mall is served by frequent buses from the station. If not taking a bus, you can use the Metro Link Bridge. 
  • By bus - There are who buses that operate every 15 minutes. Route 27 from the Deira Gold Souk station and route 29 from Ghubaiba bus station. 
What should you know before visiting Burj Khalifa?
Best time to visit- If you want the best experience, and the best view, we recommend you climb Burj Khalifa between 4 pm and 6 pm. But, if you want to avoid the crowds, visiting around 10 am or before closing hours would be perfect.

Burj Khalifa trivia
  • Burj Khalifa holds more records than just the one being the tallest in the world. This huge building also has the longest elevator travel distance and the highest restaurant in the world. 
  • Another fascinating fact is that it takes three months to clean the exterior facade of the Burj Khalifa since it’s covered in 26.000 glass panels.
  • Burj Khalifa is two times taller than Empire State Building, and four times taller than Eiffel Tower.
  • Even though Burj Khalifa has 163 floors on the surface, there is just one floor located underground.
  • There are 58 elevators that go 10m/s fast through the whole building.
  • Burj simply means tower.
