Lovački dvorac „Kaštel“ Ečka

Novosadska 7, Ečka, Zrenjanin

Hunting castle "Kastel" is located in the village of Ecka, 60 km from Belgrade and only 7 km from Zrenjanin. It was built in the English style, in the period from 1816 to 1820. Take a peek into his chambers with us and find out what you can find here!

History of the Hunting Castle "Kastel"
Lazar Agošton, the lord of that time, is responsible for the opening of this castle. Every corner of the village was arranged for this occasion, the head chef was brought from Vienna, horses and carriages shone to welcome 300 distinguished guests. The opening of the castle was also attended by the famous Count Esterhazy, the most distinguished landowner in Hungary. The night before the opening, a solemn torchlight procession was organized, while in the morning, the church bells announced the beginning of the ceremony and invited all the inhabitants of Ečka to celebrate and consecrate the castle. The highlight of this ceremony was the Ečani Ball. On the third day, Franz Liszet delighted everyone present with his virtuoso playing. "Kaštel" has been a gathering center for hunting enthusiasts from the country and from abroad for years. Frequent guests of this castle were the Austro-Hungarian heir to the throne Franz Ferdinand and the Yugoslav king Alexander Karadjordjevic. Today, this castle has been completely renovated, with an authentic ambience inspired by the aristocratic past.

Appearance and characteristics of the Castle "Kastel"
The Kaštel hunting castle is a ground floor building with a complex foundation with a subsequently extended wing in the shape of the Latin letter L. In this castle you will have 38 rooms and 7 suites, which are a mixture of modern and medieval design. All guests are provided with peace and a beautiful view of the park that surrounds the entire complex. The former ballroom of the castle has been turned into a restaurant, so here you will enjoy the charms of national and world cuisine and relaxing music. The hunting castle "Kaštel" is located in nature, outside the city crowds and noise, so this place is ideal for business people, congresses, banquets, celebrations, promotions and various other events.

How to get to the castle "Kastel"?
If you plan to visit Zrenjanin soon, be sure to stop by the Castle "Kastel". The easiest way to reach it is to take Route 13 from the center of Zrenjanin (it will take you only ten minutes to drive), so you can go:
  • by car or
  • by taxi (call AS TAXI: 023 611111 or EKO TAXI: 023 525525).
Additional information
The hunting castle "Kaštel" in Ečka is a real example of a successfully revitalized cultural monument. In this castle you can completely relax and enjoy the royal ambience, as well as the magical nature that surrounds it. All information regarding prices and reservations can be checked by calling the number: 069 8697520. We are waiting for you!
