Narodni muzej Pančevo

Trg kralja Petra I 7, Pancevo

National Museum Pancevo - the most important information

The National Museum was founded in 1923 in Pancevo. It is located in the building of the former Magistrate, which was erected in 1833 in the style of neoclassicism. The exhibits that are kept in this place today go beyond the local framework in terms of their significance.

Appearance and characteristics of the National Museum Pancevo
The building of the former Magistrate is located on the main town square. It was built as a single-storey building, with a base in the shape of an inverted Cyrillic letter P. The main façade oriented towards the Square is extremely accentuated, and the side wings were later added. The horizontal division is made with a cordon and attic wreath. The ground floor has rectangular windows, while the windows on the first floor are semicircular. Today, the National Museum of Pancevo is located in this building.

Exhibits of the National Museum Pancevo
If you visit the National Museum in Pancevo, you will be able to see:
  • the most significant paintings by Paja Jovanović, the most valuable of which is The Migration of Serbs, as well as a large number of portraits (out of 35 acts, 13 belong to the performances of Hermina Dauber, his wife, who was his favorite model);
  • the flag of the Duchy of Srpska from the Great Revolution of 1848;
  • objects of the Starčevo culture about 8,000 years old; as well as
  • Chained tree - until the middle of the 19th century, this tree stood in the center of Pancevo. Hundreds of nails were driven into it, which confirms the fact that this city was once a large craft center. It is a kind of ritual - all the new masters nailed a metal nail after successfully passing the exam in front of a multi-member master commission.
How to get to the National Museum Pancevo?
  • You can get to the National Museum from Belgrade very quickly and easily, in just 25 minutes by car (via Pancevo Road).
  • If you decide to get to Pancevo by bus, then you will be able to get from the bus station to the National Museum on foot, in about ten minutes of easy walking (across Karadjordjeva Street)
Ticket price and working hours of the National Museum Pancevo
  • You can visit the National Museum in Pancevo from Tuesday to Saturday (from 10 am to 6 pm).
  • This museum is closed on Sundays and Mondays.
  • By calling the numbers: 013 342-666 and 013 346-471 you can find out the ticket prices, as well as other information that interests you.
