Crkva Bogorodičinog uspenja

Dimitrija Tucovića, Pancevo

History of the Church of the Assumption in Pancevo
The Church of the Assumption was built in the period from 1807 to 1810. Today, this building is under state protection as a cultural monument in the category of immovable cultural property of great importance. The Church of the Assumption in Pancevo was built with the help of benefactors, among whom was Djordje Petrovic Karadjordje, the leader of the First Serbian Uprising.

Appearance and characteristics of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a single-nave building, conceived in the Baroque spirit, with emphasized elements of classicism. A sumptuous portal, framed by 2 tall elongated bell towers, dominates the west façade. The builders of this church mostly insisted on the impression of striving for height, which is contributed by the replacement of strong pillars with corner pillars. Special attention was paid to the processing of the multi-profiled roof cornice and elegant Corinthian capitals. Between 1829 and 1833, the painter Konstantin Danil created a unique painting ensemble on the iconostasis, which represented the pinnacle of Serbian Biedermeier painting. The walls of the church were painted by the Belgrade painter Živorad Nastasijević in 1933. Due to the 2 baroque towers on the front facade, the Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God is also known as the Church with two towers.

How to get to the Church of the Assumption in Pancevo?
  • From Belgrade, you can reach the Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God by car in about fifty minutes (via Pancevo Road).
  • From the center of Pancevo to this church you can walk freely, since the distance between these 2 places is very small (450 meters). We advise you to go across Dimitrija Tucovića Street.
  • From the bus station in Pancevo to the Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God, you will also be able to reach on foot. You will need less than 15 minutes of easy walking (across Vojvode Radomir Putnika Street).
Additional information
When the Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God was being built in Pancevo, Karađorđe sent material from Šumadija, as a thank you for the help that the inhabitants of this city provided to the insurgents. Unfortunately, the church was destroyed in a fire in 1996, and since then, thorough conservation and restoration work has begun on architecture, wall painting, the iconostasis and furniture. The Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God has been a symbol of the city of Pancevo for more than 2 centuries, and the clocks on its towers are especially interesting, showing the same time at all times.
