Crkva Svetog Đorđa Bor

Doktora Mišovića, Bor

Church of Saint Djordje Bor- the most important information

The Church of St. Djordje is an Orthodox church in Bor. The originally built church on this place was moved to Brestovac in 1937 due to the expansion of the mine. Two years later, today's church of St. Djordje was built. It is named after Saint George, the patron saint of Bor mines, according to popular belief.

History of the Church of Saint Djordje Bor
In 1939, the French Society of Bor Workers provided funds for the construction of a church dedicated to the great martyr George. Andrei Klepinin, a Russian emigrant, was the architect of the church. The church was built in the Serbian-Byzantine style, of harmonious architecture, of stone and covered with tiles. On the north side, next to the portal and the attached church, it is connected to the bell tower that connects them. The bell tower is made of stone and the upper part is open on all four sides.

Significance of the church of St. Djordje
St. Djordje is one of the saints most celebrated in Orthodox and Catholic countries. He is immortalized in a story in which he kills a dragon and is celebrated in Canada, Georgia, Greece, Ethiopia, Portugal, Serbia. He had a rich education and was a strong young man who distinguished himself by his abilities, so as such he was drafted into the army and was remembered for his courage and numerous merits. Little is known for sure about his life. In the Orthodox Church, since the seventh century, he has been depicted as a soldier, in a standing position, with a spear or sword. In Serbia, it is celebrated as a baptismal feast, and according to the Gregorian calendar, it is celebrated on the sixth of May. Numerous monasteries are dedicated to him, the most famous of which is Djurdjevi stupovi.

Church working hours and worship schedule
The Church of St. Djordje is opened on weekdays from 7am to 11am and from 4pm to 5pm. The schedule of worship is as follows:
  • Morning: 7am
  • Evening: 16h
  • Holy Liturgy: 8h
How to get to the Church of St. Djordje
The Church of St. Djordje in Bor can be reached via the Djerdap National Park and Majdampek. In addition to public transport, which is daily, there are also taxi lines with very affordable prices:
Taxi stations: Borski Taksi 065/ 242 22 82, Boom Taksi 069/ 640 030, Bor 030 066/ 456 030


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