Manastir Žiča

Žiča, Kraljevo

Zica Monastery - the most important information

Zica Monastery is one of the oldest medieval Serbian monasteries. It was built by Stefan Prvovencani, where he was crowned in 1217, and who ordered that all future kings should be crowned in this place. It is located near Kraljevo and is one of the main attractions of this city.

About Zica monastery
The main monastery church was built in the Raska style and it is dedicated to the Ascension of Christ. During the period of Turkish rule, the monastery was neglected several times, and it received the most thorough reconstruction after the earthquake that hit Kraljevo in 1987. The architecture of the Zica monastery clearly shows that the purpose of the building was the spiritual center of the Serbian people. Initially, only the temple with two side chapels was built, and then other elements such as the altar transept and the deacon were added. After church independence was achieved in 1219, Nemanja's brother, Sava, was appointed the first Serbian archbishop, and Zica was proclaimed the seat of the archbishopric, and seven new bishoprics were established in it the following year. Considering that the monastery went through numerous destructions and negligence, the interior preserves only a part of the former painting. Only a fifth of its original decor has been preserved, and only fragments of the frescoes have been preserved. In 1979, the

What to see
The interior of the church and the frescoes are certainly something to see and feel the spirit of the time that had such an impact on the Serbian faith:
  • Frescoes: Frescoes such as the Crucifixion, the Apostles and parts of the Removal with the Cross have been preserved, the most significant are those from the period from 1309 to 1316.
  • Zica relics: Preserved from the time when Stephen First Crowned gifted them to the monastery, relics such as "holy particles of the cross of the Lord and holy passions of Christ" give great importance to this building.
Zica Monastery was declared a cultural monument of exceptional importance and is under state protection. In the monastery you can buy various balms, liqueurs, soaps, icons as well as local wines and brandies through which the memory of this magnificent church can be preserved in the best way.
Best time to visit
The working hours of the monastery during the summer period are from 7am to 6pm. and during the winter period from 8am to 4pm. Morning worship is held on Saturdays and Sundays at 7am and evening services on the eve of Sundays and holidays at 5pm.

How to get to the Zica monastery?
Zica Monastery is located 5 kilometers from Kraljevo, about a fifteen minute drive. The monastery can also be reached from the direction of Vrnjacka Banja by a road that leads through Mataruska Banja.
