Saborna crkva Svete Trojice

Vojvode Stepe 7, Kraljevo

Church of the Holy Trinity - the most important information 

The central church of the Zica diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church is the Cathedral Church in Kraljevo. It is also the largest Orthodox church in this city. It is dedicated to the Holy Trinity and is originally the work of Prince Milos Obrenovic. The present appearance of the church has been maintained since 1839.

History of the Church of the Holy Trinity
The dilapidated church built of wooden planks and beams was located in the area of Stara Carsija, where Serbs lived during the occupation of Turks. As Prince Milos often stayed in it and prayed for liberation from the Turks, he decided to rebuild it after the victory and build it as a sign of gratitude to God for his help.

Construction of the church began in 1824. The former wooden church was moved to the port of the new church and worship services were held there until the construction was completed. During the time of Prince Milos, the altar and the middle part of the church were built. Three bells donated to the church, one of which was presented by Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjevic, were removed by the Germans during the First World War together with a zinc tin from the roof. The church tower, the back part and the narthex were erected in 1839.

The complete renovation of the church was finished in 1998. The path around the church was concreted and the foundations were insulated, the church was covered with copper sheet and the bell tower was protected from cracking and damage.

Significance of the Church of the Holy Trinity
  • During the conflicts in which the Serbian people fought for liberation from the Turks, Prince Milos Obrenovic regularly stayed in this church, and it is because of his initiative to rebuild the church that it still exists today
  • It has been an episcopate since 1859, when the seat of the bishop was transferred to it from Cacak
  • Bishop Janicije Neskovic-Janja stayed in the church while he was recovering the monastery of Zica, after which he relocated to it permanently
  • The Church celebrates the Holy First Martyr and Archdeacon Stevan as its saint patron day.
What to see
In May 1984, the renovation of the iconostasis in the church began, which lasted several months. After the successful restoration, the church received a large icon of the Holy Trinity. The electrification of the bells was done in 1991 and today the bell tower consists of two bells.

How to get to the Church of the Holy Trinity
The church is less than 3 km away from the center of Kraljevo, so you can reach it by car or walk. Taxi services that are always available and affordable can also be used to get to the church.
  • By car: drive along Cara Lazara Street to the turnoff to Hajduk Veljkova, which should be followed to the turn into Cara Dusana Street at the Trijumf trade car market. Follow this street to the left turn into Olga Jovicic-Rita, from where you cross into Karadjordjeva. From there, you enter Olga Martinovic Street, which should be followed all the way to the right turn into Vojvode Stepe that takes you to the immediate vicinity of the church, from where you need to take a short walk.
  • On foot: from the central square through Omladinska Street, the walk to the church will take less than 10 minutes
  • Taxi stations: Bond taxi - 036 317911; As taxi 036 323323; Tref Taxi KV 036 323232; Mega Taxi KV 036 303303
Additional information
To enter the church it is necessary to follow a specific dress code that includes covered shoulders and no short pants, skirts or dresses 
