Selo Mala Crna Gora

Mala Crna Gora, Zabljak

The village of Mala Crna Gora - The most important information

The village of Mala Crna Gora is located in the municipality of Zabljak, between the Tara and Susice canyons. The village did not always bear this name, but received the adjective small only in 1950. Because it is located at a high altitude, the inhabitants often remain cut off from the world during the winter months. The village has 14 inhabitants throughout the year, and this destination is an ideal attraction for tourists who love natural landscapes and traditional village houses.

History of the village of Mala Crna Gora
Since its existence, the village has had different names, and King Nikola himself called it the island of freedom. Mala Crna Gora was burned to the ground in 1836, but the remains of the old church still exist today. The Church of the Holy Savior is today located next to the cemetery, and dates back to 1889.

How to get to the village of Mala Crna Gora?

The easiest way to get to the village of Mala Crna Gora is:
  • By car - The village of Mala Crna Gora is about 20 km from Zabljak, but the road is very challenging, and the journey itself takes about 50 minutes. From the center of Zabljak, take the P5 road, then turn left towards Durmitorska zora. Follow the road ahead, and it will take you past Uskok and Tara Canyon Viewpoint all the way to the village of Mala Crna Gora.


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