Spomenik prirode Bigrena akumulacija

Manastir Tumane, Golubac

Have you heard of the natural monument Bigrena Reservoir? This monument is located near the Tumane Monastery, south of Golubac, a town in eastern Serbia. Stay with us and find out the features of this amazing natural monument.

Appearance and characteristics of the monument
The natural monument Bigrena accumulation is located in the valley of the Kamenica stream. A small accumulation of bigra is settled in the middle part of this valley, at 250 meters above sea level and 1.1 kilometers from the mouth of the Kamenica into the Tumanska river. This accumulation has the appearance of a fan-shaped terrace, about 14 meters high, which covers an area of ​​8550 square meters. It was formed at the place where the karst spring of low yield is prominent, at the contact of limestone and shale. A large number of morphological objects appear on an area of ​​about 200 meters. These include a 14-meter-high waterfall, as well as several smaller waterfalls, overflows and bigren tubs. Especially interesting is the hermitage of Zosim Sinajit in the bigra and the spring with a fountain, whose water is attributed to miraculous healing effects. According to tradition, gifts were offered to the souls of the dead at this fountain.

How to get to the monument Bigrena Reservoir?
  • The natural monument "Bigrena accumulation near the Tumane monastery" is about 12 kilometers away from Golubac, that is, along the forest road along Kamenički potok - about 1 kilometer from the monastery itself.
  • If you are starting from Belgrade, it is best to take the E75 motorway. As soon as you leave the city, you should turn off at Požarevac. After 16 km you will see a prominent sign for Golubac. On the highway Pozarevac-Veliko Gradiste-Golubac-Donji Milanovac you drive 48 km. All signposts are neatly stacked next to the road so you can’t get lost.
  • There is another route, via Route 14, but it is a bit longer, so we advise you to choose the previous route.
Additional information
You can visit the Bigrena Reservoir nature monument whenever you have time or are close to it. However, it is best to come here in the spring, because the abundance of the spring is greater than the water intake. Then the stream flows over the bigra to the edge of the terrace, from where it falls in the form of waterfalls into the Kamenica riverbed. Come and see for yourself the creative power of nature, which no one and nothing can surpass! Visit this famous natural monument today!
