Welcome to the page that will present you all the most important attractions, sights and places of this wonderful city. Golubac is a really wonderful and very special place and it has great importance for Serbian culture and tradition. Its most famous attraction is the Golubac Fortress, a very special place that attracts a large number of tourists every year. Golubac Fortress has become a real symbol of this beautiful city, but in addition to this important fortress, Golubac is a place that has many beautiful places and where nature is truly fascinating. Another popular attraction is the Danube River, as well as one of the most famous gorges in Serbia. It is, of course, about the Djerdap gorge and all its attractions. Another popular attraction located in the immediate vicinity of Golubac is the waterfall on Ridan, as well as the archeological site Lepenski vir. We hope that this page will successfully present you all the attractions and beauties of this city. Choose the content that you find most appealing and use your free time to get to know it live. Indulge in the beauties of Golubac and treat yourself to unforgettable moments.
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