Mitrovac na Tari

Mitrovac na Tari, Tara

Mitrovac on Tara - the most important information

Mitrovac is located on Tara and it is a tourist settlement in the municipality of Bajina Basta. What Mitrovac on Tara is best known for is a large children's resort.

History of Mitrovac on Tara
Thanks to its stable climate, clean air and a large number of sunny hours, Mitrovac on Tara was chosen by a group of naturalists from the Academy of Sciences to be a children's summer resort in 1956. The settlement in Mitrovac was built in 1979 and since then it has been an unavoidable place for children's excursions.

Characteristics of Mitrovac on Tara
Mitrovac on Tara is located at 1080 m above sea level and is characterized by favorable climatic conditions and a large number of sunny days. Within this settlement, there is a hunting lodge and the facilities of the Center for Children's Summer Resorts and Recovery from Belgrade.

What to do in Mitrovac on Tara?
As Mitrovac was built keeping in mind the needs of children, therefore, there are fields for indoor soccer and basketball, a large grass football field, ski slopes for children and beginners in skiing. You can also ride a bike as well as walk. In the vicinity of Mitrovac, there is also the lookout point Banjska stena, the carpet of the meadow of the Red Creek, the lake in Zaovine and the lake Perucac.

How to get to Mitrovac on Tara?
  • You can reach Mitrovac by your transport from Belgrade on the A2 highway, via Valjevo to Bajina Basta, from where you follow the road to Mitrovac on Tara.
  • By bus from Bajina Basta. You can find out about the timetable at the bus station number in Bajina Basta 031/865485.


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Tara · Monutain · Mitrovac na Tari
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Tara · Monutain · Mitrovac na Tari
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